Monday, June 9, 2008

One of My Favorite Things

It came on a Saturday and I've been on cloud nine ever since. I wasn't even expecting it so soon! What am I talking about? My very own eco-friendly portfolio from my favorite supplier of "green" packaging, The Platform Gallery. If you haven't clicked on my link below to view the entire line of presentation materials, do it now. Here's the link: My Eco Friendly Package Site. I use the portfolio on my sales calls because it looks more professional than if I carried loose papers in my briefcase. Plus, it's imprinted with my business name so I can keep my name in front of clients when I leave it with them. Similar products have been used as press kits, media kits, sales kits for new distributors and to introduce new services. Clicking on case studies on the website will pull up even more uses. You gotta get one so you can see what I'm talking about. If you need help deciding which one is best for your next campaign, just call me at 321-277-4734 or shoot me an email at

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